Thursday, September 8, 2011


My name is Joanna Martinez and I am currently fifteen years old. I blow out my candles on October 16th. My favorite color is purple. I have one younger brother whom i love dearly. I am a sophomore at Whitney Young. Volleyball is my favorite sport. I have been playing since i was in fifth grade. Something about that sport really captivates my interest and i enjoy it. I also like singing for fun. My biggest fear is spiders; I can't stand them at all. Everytime I see a spider I run away as fast and as far away as I can. I always come off as a really quiet and shy girl at first, but I'm actually the complete opposite. I'm really loud and outgoing. I'm not afraid to do things. I like to take risks and challenges. Sometimes though I'm really laid back and i like to relax. I love taking walks along the beach and watching the sunset. I also love to babysit. Normally people dislike that, but i like giving little kids attention and playing with them. It makes me feel like a little girl all over again. I don't like the idea of growing up. It makes me think of old people and gray hair, but that's just me.


  1. It's really nice to meet you Joanna. I see that Volleyball is a sport interest of yours... I know it's dangerous sport (most are actually) so how do you avoid getting horribly physically damaged? With me, I always got hit in the head with the ball...or every time I rebounded it back my arms stung. Also, are you on the school team?

    And could your fear of spiders be a classic case arachnophobia?

  2. Seems like we have a lot in common Joanna. I freak out terribly when I spot a spider(just thinking of it makes me itch);I'm a scorpio=];My favorite color is purple too:)(preferbly lavender purple);and I even plan on joining the volleyball team next year(I'm doing basketball this year).
