Sunday, January 22, 2012

American Dream

I found that in 2010, there was a poll taken and the results showed that 43% of Americans still believe it was possible to have the American dream. The American dream is what keeps us together, as a society. This dream that people see is hope that one might have for their own self or for their loved ones, such as children, to have a chance to do better in life. This dream that everyone talks about can be reached as the 43% agreed onto the quote, "if you work hard you'll get ahead". I think that's what the dream is about, no matter where you come from, or what social class, if you work for it then you might just achieve.The ideal of the American Dream is based on the fantasy that an individual can achieve success regardless of family history, race, or religion simply by working hard enough. The LA Times states that the american dream is getting hard to reach. They also say: "Though a certain level of income inequality is necessary for competition — without it, there'd be little incentive to strive". The American dream doesn't necessarily have to be about money. The American dream also has to do with the fact of being happy at what you achieve. Money can't buy happiness.

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