Sunday, January 22, 2012


 Holden is the main character in the catcher in the rye, and he has a couple of issues. He gets kicked from his school, Pency, due to his lousy grades, and overall, in my opinion he is immature and has a lot of growing up to do. According to Holden, everyone is labeled by him as phony or real. These so called real people can be seen when he talks about them in a way that he puts them up on a pedestal. In reality, no one exactly knows what characteristics he uses to distinguish the both. He is very judgmental of people. I believe that Holden doesn't quite know what he wants in life and is stuck with emotions he doesn't know how to control. He is peculiar in a sense that he goes out to find these phonies he calls. Like really? Who takes times to do that now a days... I think Holden suffers with loneliness and this is why he behaves the way he does. Holden makes judgments that he never confronts in life. Perhaps it’s because he knows it won’t change anything. He rebels a lot and this is normal for a teenager. Every teen goes through that stage in their life and he just happens to be going through it. This is also applies to his depression and loneliness problem. The only problem I have with Holden is that he is too much of a hypocrite. Maybe in reality he's the phony..

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