Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Father and Son

In the novel, The Road, the author portrays the world to be barren, dark and lifeless. Although the author doesn't explain what has happened the reader can conclude that something terrible such as a disaster has occurred since there is ash everywhere. There are two main characters who are seen traveling south is a father and a son are left in this world with very little hope of survival.

The relationship between the father and the son is crucial. They only have each other in this long journey ahead of them. In the novel the father feels that it is his job to protect his son and the son obviously cares about protecting his father as well. This father and son relationship is like an ordinary relationship that is seen in today's society. A father is always going to be there to protect his son or daughter and guide them through the obstacles that life puts in front of them. The son still acts like a regular kid who wants to be read to at night and have the light left on. Although the circumstances they are in makes everything difficult the boy is very mature and wise to see that his father tries to sacrifice these small things just to protect him, such as when the father tried to give the son all of the hot cocoa. It is clear that there is no hope left for the father and son, but I believe that the boy keeps some sort of hope in his father left. Hope for them to continue.

All the father really wants is to just give his son a normal life and raise him as he would have if he hadn't been born into the carnage. The father goes to extents to make his boy happy and to protect him . In doing these small things, it gives the son a childhood that he should have gotten. In reality though, I believe that a father would do the same. A father would go the extra mile for their child because of the love they have for their child. I mean...I know I would do anything for the ones I love.

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