Sunday, January 22, 2012

American Dream

I found that in 2010, there was a poll taken and the results showed that 43% of Americans still believe it was possible to have the American dream. The American dream is what keeps us together, as a society. This dream that people see is hope that one might have for their own self or for their loved ones, such as children, to have a chance to do better in life. This dream that everyone talks about can be reached as the 43% agreed onto the quote, "if you work hard you'll get ahead". I think that's what the dream is about, no matter where you come from, or what social class, if you work for it then you might just achieve.The ideal of the American Dream is based on the fantasy that an individual can achieve success regardless of family history, race, or religion simply by working hard enough. The LA Times states that the american dream is getting hard to reach. They also say: "Though a certain level of income inequality is necessary for competition — without it, there'd be little incentive to strive". The American dream doesn't necessarily have to be about money. The American dream also has to do with the fact of being happy at what you achieve. Money can't buy happiness.


 Holden is the main character in the catcher in the rye, and he has a couple of issues. He gets kicked from his school, Pency, due to his lousy grades, and overall, in my opinion he is immature and has a lot of growing up to do. According to Holden, everyone is labeled by him as phony or real. These so called real people can be seen when he talks about them in a way that he puts them up on a pedestal. In reality, no one exactly knows what characteristics he uses to distinguish the both. He is very judgmental of people. I believe that Holden doesn't quite know what he wants in life and is stuck with emotions he doesn't know how to control. He is peculiar in a sense that he goes out to find these phonies he calls. Like really? Who takes times to do that now a days... I think Holden suffers with loneliness and this is why he behaves the way he does. Holden makes judgments that he never confronts in life. Perhaps it’s because he knows it won’t change anything. He rebels a lot and this is normal for a teenager. Every teen goes through that stage in their life and he just happens to be going through it. This is also applies to his depression and loneliness problem. The only problem I have with Holden is that he is too much of a hypocrite. Maybe in reality he's the phony..

Red Hunting Hat

A red hunting hat is used to stand out and is bright so that other hunters may see you except for the prey. Well the prey, animals, wont notice you since they are colorblind. This allows other hunters a chance to not commit a mistake and shoot you. Holden bought this hat because he wants find out who the phonies, fake, people are and he tries to stand out to show the world like let people know he's there and can be visibly seen. I feel that Holden only wears this hat because its a way of showing his feelings. What I mean by that is that when he first bought this hat he had merely pissed off his team and that was his reaction at the time. Maybe the hat reveals himself and hunting these "phonies" is only a question of hunting people like him.

Im not quite sure what my hunting hat would be. If anything I think I would have to say, my overall face expression. I mean my face says it all. If I smile than it just shows that I'm in a good mood or I like you... easy as that. Im not the type of person who hides their feelings towards another person. If I'm mad, I will most likely walk around with a sour puss face. I think that my face expressions are a good presentation on how I present myself to others. It lets people know what's up.

can't say that I'm too sure what my own red hunting hat is maybe it's the smile you use to distinguish yourself to people, to let them know that you're a friend or a frown to let people know 'I'm not in the mood to deal with you". It's not my best interpretation so enjoy this hat instead.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Drake- Take Care

The album Take Care produced by recording artist Drake was released November 15, 2011. I personally like Drake as an artist. When I knew about his new album I was pretty excited to see what he had in store for his listeners. The first time I heard his album, I had about every song on repeat. I think I can speak for a lot of people and say that we can relate to his lyrics. In my opinion, I think that's what defines an least a real one to me. Being able to connect with your fans and have that connection between the two is key in music, and that is exactly what Drake does.
There is a lot of controversy about him rapping and singing. Well you wana know what? Since when is it a crime to sing and rap?! Who cares if he sings, raps, or plays a violin for all I know. The thing everyone is overlooking is that he is making music, HIS music. I think that Drake's style is unique. People say he's gone "soft" and I completely disagree. Drake is talking about real events and life situations that people deal with everyday, and I think that's what caught the attention of many people. The thing about Drake is that he makes you think with his songs, and I personally like that. There were plenty of instances where I definitely wanted to tell my ex to "take a shot for me". I don't mind the singing at all, but I do want to point out how he sang in this album when he wanted to show his emotions (usually about relationships). He didn't sing to get his point across in his previous album with songs such as fear, the calm, and to an extent the resistance all including the same feel. Maybe this time, he just wanted to try something different? All I know is that Drake is progressing and becoming better every album and I think that's whats important. Everyone's taste in music is different and this just so happens to be mine.

Thursday, December 15, 2011


Cozy hats and NorthFaces
Shivering while the snow falls down
Looking for the warm places
Finding ease from the lights downtown

Ice Skating at Millennium
Christmas Shopping at Macy’s
Bear’s game at their Staduim
Making Gingerbread Pastries

Santa and the Grinch
Trees with bright lights
Snow in every inch
Reaching new heights

Ten nine eight
Seven six five
Eating grapes as we await
For the New Year to come alive

Four three
Two one
It’s me
And winter has begun

JD Salinger

JD Salinger became pubically known when his novel, Catcher in The Rye, came out in 1951. The novel remains widely read and controversial, selling around 250,000 copies a year. Salinger was quite different from others. He didn't just write for the money or for the fame, he did it out for his own purpose and pleasure as he told a New York respondent in 1974. Salinger did publish other books such as A Perfect Day for Bananafish, but Catcher in the Rye stood out the most and led to public atttention. Salinger really valued his privacy and became so antisocial, though I don't understand why he wouldn't want the media to be around when all they wanted to do was tell him how much of a great novel he wrote and acknowledge him. This novel is very controversial due to the fact that back then around the 1970s, it was one of the most censored books and it is now read in school. It is said that the protagonist's life, Holden, is based off of life issues that many teenagers have today. The argument for this book include the vulgar language, violence, rebellion, and sexual scenes.

It is a widespread belief that much of Holden Caulfield’s candid outlook on life reflects issues relevant to the youth of today, and thus the novel continues to be used as an educational resource in high schools throughout the nation. Teenagers read this book and have an understanding of where Holden is coming from since they can put themselves in his shoes. This is where critics come into play and point out different qualities of Holden that they think mislead teenagers today. David Stevenson commented that the novel was written "as the boy's comment, half-humorous, half agonizing, concerning his attempt to recapture his identity and his hopes for playing a man-about-town for a lost, partially tragic, certainly frenetic weekend." Generally the critics see this book as Holden's struggle to survive in the adult world.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Thankful for a Classmate

So far this year my American literature class has been great, and I know that throughout the year it will get better. I think that overall the class has some pretty good discussions and I specifically like comments that certain people in the class make, such as those of McKinley.  I would have to say that I'm not necessarily thankful for anyone in particular, but I would like to thank everyone in the class for making it worthwhile. This class is one of those things I actually look forward to in my day. There's just something about the people within the classroom that make it better. And of course, I cant forget to be thankful for Mr. McCarthy. He seems real chill and laid back unlike most teachers I've had in my lifetime. Now that I start to think about things, I would actually like to thank two people in my American lit class. These two people or should I say girls brighten up my day just a tad bit more.

I'm thankful that your in my class because well for starters there only four girls in there with a bunch of dudes. You're the one person in the class that makes me smile from the minute I walk into the room to the minute I walk out. I've known you since last year, but I the way we act towards each other makes me feel as if I've known you forever. I enjoy coming into class and just joking and laughing over the smallest things ever. Thank you for being that friend that always puts a smile on my face.

Although I just met you this year I would like to take the time out and say thank you. Thank you for being there for me when I needed someone to lean on. You have an amazing personality, and you are such a strong girl. You are also really funny and I'm thankful for having a friend like you. English class wouldn't be the same without you.